Simulatore bicicletta

Oggi è passato all’incontro settimanale Peter Sossi che fa parte dell’associazione sportiva Devin. Mi ha chiesto se vorremmo collaborare o più correttamente se potremmo dargli una mano per realizzare un simulatore di bicicletta. Lo scopo del simulatore sarebbe meramente didattico e per farci pubblicità.
L’idea è di utilizzare una bicicletta a rulli e acquisire i dati della velocità, sterzata del manubrio, freni etc. mediante arduino. I dati letti sarebbero da passare su un PC e via Blender fare il rendering di una città, muovento la camera coerentemente con il movimenti fatti sulla bici a rulli.

Calcolando che la parte meccanica se ne occupa Peter, sarebbe a carico del Mittelab la scrittura del codice per l’acquisizione dei sensori, l’algoritmo per la meccanica del movimento e l’interfacciamento con Blender. Tutti i dettagli sono da definite.

Successivamente discutendo tra di noi, si pensava che si potrebbe eliminare il monitor 2D e utilizzare degli occhiali 3D. @kucukben Fattibile?

Se qualcuno è interessato si potrebbe fare vivo?

1 Mi Piace

Noi stiamo facendo un progetto con occhiali 3D!
Escludendo soluzioni come HTC o Oculus con i caschi da usare in accoppiata con smartphone (15€) si ottiene un risultato discreto, meglio sarebbe con un visore vero ma appunto bisogna valutarne il costo.

Se servisse una mano potrei occuparmi dell’audio che non è da sottovalutare in una buona realtà virtuale. Nel caso ne parliamo lunedì.

Per quanto riguarda la parte video mi sorgono dei dubbi di tipo estetico, ricostruire un ambiente reale in 3d rischia se non fatto ad opera d’arte, di dare quella parvenza di finto, fosse stato per me sarei andato su paesaggi inventati o perché no un bel giro in bicicletta su Marte! IMHO

E usare Unity?

Grazie per l’interesse dimostrato e per la disponibilità (per l’audio).
La necessità di simulare un ambiente reale, nasce dall’ idea di un progetto sulla sicurezza stradale, che la società alla quale appartengo (SK DEVIN) ha già svolto lo scorso anno, e dato un grande interesse, intende proseguire migliorandolo.
L’idea è quella di coinvolgere i bambini delle scuole elementari con un mezzo il più possibile interattivo, che non perdà però il punto di vista principale: la sicurezza stradale.
Per questo credo che sia necessario quanto meno creare un ambiente simile al mondo urbano anche se finto (graficamente).
Per quanto riguarda il programma da usare pensavo a Blender, perchè online si trova già del materiale che potrebbe aiutarci ad interfacciarlo con Arduino. Unity purtroppo non lo conosco, però se pensate che sia più facile, nessun problema.
Sotto il link di un simulatore simile, costruito da una scuola superiore in Germania:

Dopo un po’ di ritardo, abbiamo deciso che la serata dedicata per la presentazione del progetto sarà il mercoledì prossimo 01/02/2017 durante la solita serata aperta al pubblico . A tutti gli interessati si prega di venire con domande e idee.
Un assaggio del progetto potrete sentirlo già all’evento meetup@mittelab del 25/01/2017 .

Io confermo per il primo allora!

Ecco il link che mi avevano segnalato con un progetto simile:

Hello! I am not used to buying assets so I did not think of the asset store at all!!! Silly me! We can buy this!/content/43500 “simple town cartoon” from asset store
as this guy did
@franco.pellegr, @5er ! the VR-bike project just got way more easier :slight_smile:

ping!! any news on the roadmap, literally ? :slight_smile:
me & @franco.pellegr will be at mittelab this evening. can we touch base & make some progress on this project? (I’d also be happy to hear what you all think of demoing this project at mittelab’s booth during tmmf.)

@5er will you be there, too?

Sure Who will be actually working on it?

This would be a great idea IMO! We can make it happen :slight_smile:

From our last chat it appeared to me that the interests were distributed as the following: @kucukben & @franco.pellegr on game engine side, @5er on content, @Telespalla on audio, I cannot remember who was on hardware. Franco and I will be there this evening to work, and of course, anyone else who would like to be a part of it is more than welcome!

I will be at mittelab this evening too

I could work on hardware even if I’m not so skilled on it. (I can connect sensors to the arduino, make the encoder wheel and other things like these)

I can give some support for hardware (ideas, pointers on realization). Next thing: we should open a project page on the Wiki!

I have a problem (a small one).
In order to use HRTF to locate the sound I need to do a convolution between the sound and a buffer (kernel for FIR filter). The problem is that I tried to load the kernels when needed but it’s not fast enough. I think I will need to load all of them in the RAM

So the hard question is, how much space can I allocate for the audio part of the project?
With the best resolution (5° azimuth and 10° elevation) is 6MB.

(We should make a tasks project for this :slight_smile:)

2 Mi Piace

Hi, in attachment i send a hand-drawed map, now I’m not at home, but this evening I will send a map drawed on sketchup, but not finished yet. I hope it isn’t too complicate.

Thank you for all!
Have a nice day,

Inviata dal mio Windows Phone

··· ________________________________ Da: kucukben Inviato: ‎22/‎02/‎2017 11.24 A: Oggetto: [Mittelab Talk] [MP]Private msg: 5er git account & talk to sissa director

[] kucukben Member
Febbraio 22

hi aljaz , hi peter;
this is a tiny gentle mid-week reminder for peter to vote for the git course and aljaz to give peter an account [:slight_smile:] peter; can you email me the map of the training town? Doesn’t have to be finished, just whatever you have. tomorrow I will meet Sissa’s director and I could mention him about the project and see what Sissa can do for us. Aljaz, can I talk to the director about Mittelab in this project but also about Mittelab in general? Anything you would advise me to tell/not tell?
many thanks to you both!!

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It’s good, not complicated no worries.
But I have a new idea. how about using a part of TS like the following image?
I can confirm that there is at least one round about here although i don’t know many others in the area.
I think it could be cute to have TS in the application, this region or another, for example, where Mittelab is?
Let me know what you think. cheers

2 Mi Piace

Using a part of TS, near Mittelab, is an awesome idea, especially for promoting Mittelab. I will try to make a map of this area too, later this week.

However in annex I’m sending a part of my map.



··· ________________________________ Da: kucukben Inviato: mercoledì 22 febbraio 2017 13.49 A: Oggetto: [Mittelab Talk] [MP]Private msg: 5er git account & talk to sissa director

[] kucukben Member
Febbraio 22

It’s good, not complicated no worries.
But I have a new idea. how about using a part of TS like the following image?
I can confirm that there is at least one round about here although i don’t know many others in the area.
I think it could be cute to have TS in the application, this region or another, for example, where Mittelab is?
Let me know what you think. cheers


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In Risposta A
[] 5er
Febbraio 22

Hi, in attachment i send a hand-drawed map, now I’m not at home, but this evening I will send a map drawed on sketchup, but not finished yet. I hope it isn’t too complicate. Thank you for all! Have a nice day, Peter Inviata dal mio Windows Phone [immagine] ··· Da: kucukbentalk@mittel…

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For now I’m drawing my map in sketchup, I have almost finished. I think is the best way, because I can design the intersections, roundabouts that I want. The reason for this is to put all the possible cases that we meet on the road. Also the most difficult cases, so in this way children will be prepared for cycling on real roads.

However I started drawing an area of TS in 3d, near mittelab.

I studied a couple of cases that have to be triggered:

  1. when the cyclist is coming a car is going reverse out of a garage

  2. (on a roundabout), when the cyclist is coming a couple of cars are crossing the roundabout

  3. a truck is parked on the right side of the road and just behind a car coming out from the right

  4. a few cars are parking long a road and suddenly, when the cyclist is going through, a car door is opening suddenly

  5. (if possible) when the cyclist is moving a car passes on the left side and forces the cyclist to the left

  6. intersection with traffic lights

  7. tramway crossing with barrier lowering

As soon as possible I will locate all these cases on the map.

Are you at mittelab this evening?

··· ________________________________ Da: kucukben Inviato: mercoledì 22 febbraio 2017 13.49 A: Oggetto: [Mittelab Talk] [MP]Private msg: 5er git account & talk to sissa director

[] kucukben Member
Febbraio 22

It’s good, not complicated no worries.
But I have a new idea. how about using a part of TS like the following image?
I can confirm that there is at least one round about here although i don’t know many others in the area.
I think it could be cute to have TS in the application, this region or another, for example, where Mittelab is?
Let me know what you think. cheers


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In Risposta A
[] 5er
Febbraio 22

Hi, in attachment i send a hand-drawed map, now I’m not at home, but this evening I will send a map drawed on sketchup, but not finished yet. I hope it isn’t too complicate. Thank you for all! Have a nice day, Peter Inviata dal mio Windows Phone [immagine] ··· Da: kucukbentalk@mittel…

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In attachment some photos of the environment.

Have a nice week [:blush:]


··· ________________________________ Da: Peter Sossi Inviato: lunedì 27 febbraio 2017 18.42 A: kucukben Oggetto: Re: [Mittelab Talk] [MP]Private msg: 5er git account & talk to sissa director


For now I’m drawing my map in sketchup, I have almost finished. I think is the best way, because I can design the intersections, roundabouts that I want. The reason for this is to put all the possible cases that we meet on the road. Also the most difficult cases, so in this way children will be prepared for cycling on real roads.

However I started drawing an area of TS in 3d, near mittelab.

I studied a couple of cases that have to be triggered:

  1. when the cyclist is coming a car is going reverse out of a garage

  2. (on a roundabout), when the cyclist is coming a couple of cars are crossing the roundabout

  3. a truck is parked on the right side of the road and just behind a car coming out from the right

  4. a few cars are parking long a road and suddenly, when the cyclist is going through, a car door is opening suddenly

  5. (if possible) when the cyclist is moving a car passes on the left side and forces the cyclist to the left

  6. intersection with traffic lights

  7. tramway crossing with barrier lowering

As soon as possible I will locate all these cases on the map.

Are you at mittelab this evening?

Da: kucukben
Inviato: mercoledì 22 febbraio 2017 13.49
Oggetto: [Mittelab Talk] [MP]Private msg: 5er git account & talk to sissa director

[] kucukben Member
Febbraio 22

It’s good, not complicated no worries.
But I have a new idea. how about using a part of TS like the following image?
I can confirm that there is at least one round about here although i don’t know many others in the area.
I think it could be cute to have TS in the application, this region or another, for example, where Mittelab is?
Let me know what you think. cheers


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In Risposta A
[] 5er
Febbraio 22

Hi, in attachment i send a hand-drawed map, now I’m not at home, but this evening I will send a map drawed on sketchup, but not finished yet. I hope it isn’t too complicate. Thank you for all! Have a nice day, Peter Inviata dal mio Windows Phone [immagine] ··· Da: kucukbentalk@mittel…

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3 Mi Piace

6MB of RAM in total? That is not a problem at all!